Lesson overview

Dive into this lesson now and in 5 minutes you'll come out the other side feeling like you travelled to Spain and back.
59 words/phrases to learn
el adulterio
el amante
the lover (masc.)
el aniversario de boda
the wedding anniversary
anticuado; anticuada
old-fashioned; outdated (masc.; fem.)
to increase
el banquete de boda
the reception
blanco marfil
ivory white
la boda
the wedding
el casamiento
the marriage ceremony
to get married
la cifra
the figure (number)
la cola
the queue; the line
el confeti
the confetti
el cónyuge
the spouse
el costo
the cost; the price
el costo de la vida
living costs
el cura
the priest
el descenso
the decline; the drop
la deuda
the debt
el dineral
the fortune
to reduce; to diminish
el divorcio
the divorce
to raise; to climb
to get worse
the link; the wedding
estar prometido
to be engaged
la felicidad
el índice
the index; the rate
to reverse; to change
el invitado; la invitada
the guest (masc.; fem.)
la ley
the law
la luna de miel
the honeymoon
la madrugada
the early morning
la marcha nupcial
the wedding march
el matrimonio
the marriage
la mitad
the half
el mujeriego
the womaniser
el nombre de soltero
the maiden name
el novio
the boyfriend; the groom
la novia
the girlfriend; the bride
la nulidad
the annulment
la nupcialidad
the marriage rate
la pareja
the couple; the partner
el poder
the power
to put (oneself clothes) on
el porcentaje
the percent
la pareja de recién casados
the newly-wed couple
to reduce
el regalo de boda
the wedding gift
la ruptura
the breakup
el sacerdote
the priest; the monk
la tasa
the rate
el testigo; la testigo
the witness (masc.; fem.)
to pull; to throw
el traje de novia
the wedding dress
vale la pena
it's worth it
el varón
the male
el viudo; la viuda
the widow (masc.; fem.)

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