Lesson overview

Dive into this lesson now and in 5 minutes you'll come out the other side feeling like you travelled to Thailand and back.
24 words/phrases to learn
rao ror yòo sŏng aa-tít
we waited for two weeks
rao tăam kam tăam nán gàp kăo bpai láew
we already asked him that question
pŏm koiie riian yòo têe yêe-bpùn yòo sŏng deuuan
I studied in Japan for two months (said by a man)
a thing
rao sàng aa-hăan sèe yàang
we ordered four dishes
pûuak kăo koiie yòo têe jeen bpàet bpee
they lived in China for eight years
chăn rák kăo
I loved him (said by a woman)
chăn chôp gin kék mâak gern bpai
I loved to eat cakes too much (said by a woman)
krai gin kék chăn?
who ate my cake?
kăo pôot paa-săa ang-grìt gèng
he spoke English well
rao nâng táek-sêe
we took a taxi
a book
ráan aa-hăan
the restaurant
a grandfather (paternal)
hông sà-mùt
a library
bpee têe láew
last year
chăn kĭian năng-sĕu sŏng bpee têe láew
I wrote a book two years ago (said by a woman)
mêuua keun née pûuak kăo taan aa-hăan yen têe ráan aa-hăan tai
they had dinner in the Thai restaurant last night
mêuua waan pûuak kăo mâi dâai taan aa-hăan yen gàp rao
they didn't have dinner with us yesterday
a piece
pûuak kăo tam kék chín yài hâi kun bpee têe láew
they made a big cake for you last year
rao koiie non bon rót fai prór mâi mee ngern jàai kâa rohng raem
we slept on the train because we had no money for a hotel
mêuua gòn kun bpòo kŏng chăn bpai wîng dton-cháo dtà-lòt
my grandpa always went for a run in the morning (said by a woman)
mêuua waan chăn hĕn ter têe hông sà-mùt
I saw her in the library yesterday (said by a woman)

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