Lesson overview

Dive into this lesson now and in 5 minutes you'll come out the other side feeling like you travelled to Africa and back.
26 words/phrases to learn
nilimsaidia baba yangu jikoni jana
I helped my father in the kitchen yesterday
tulisubiri kwa muda wa wiki mbili
we waited for two weeks
teyari tumeshamuuliza hilo
we already asked him that
nilisoma Japani kwa miezi miwili
I studied in Japan for two months
tuliagiza vifungua mlo vinne
we ordered four starters
wao waliishi China kwa miaka minane
they lived in China for eight years
I loved him
nilipenda keki na chokoleti kupita kiasi
I loved cakes and chocolate too much
nani alikula keki yangu?
who ate my cake?
alizungumza Kiswahili vizuri sana
he spoke Swahili very well
tulikunywa bia nyingi kupitiliza jana usiku
we drank too much beer last night
alinunua gari hilo miaka ishirini iliyopita
he bought that car twenty years ago
tulichukua teksi mara ya mwisho
we took a taxi last time
niliandika kitabu miaka miwili iliyopita
I wrote a book two years ago
jana usiku walikula chakula cha jioni katika mgahawa wa Kiswahili
last night they had dinner in the Swahili restaurant
nilifikiri kwamba unasoma chuo kikuu
I thought you studied at university
wao hawakula chakula cha jioni na sisi
they didn't have dinner with us
walikutengenezea keki kubwa mwaka jana
they made a big cake for you last year
tulilala kwenye treni kwa sababu hatukuwa na pesa ya kulipia hoteli
we slept on the train because we had no money for a hotel
babu yangu daima alifanya mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi
my grandpa always went for a run in the morning
nilijua kwamba haukula vya kutosha
I knew you didn't eat enough
nilimuona maktaba jana
I saw her in the library yesterday
ulikutana naye klabu wiki mbili zilizopita
you met him in the club two weeks ago
kijana wangu alilewa sana usiku uliopita
my son got really drunk last night
tulikuja kwenye nchi hii miaka mingi iliyopita
we came to this country many years ago
hakukuwa na filamu nzuri za kutizama
there were no good films to watch

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