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Unleash your Spanish superpowers with Memrise & BLUE BEETLE
Try our all-new lessons celebrating the release of BLUE BEETLE, the DC Super Hero's first time on the big screen with a predominantly Latino cast.
Learn Spanish with BLUE BEETLE
Practice speaking like a superhero
Test your newly-learned Spanish with our AI chatbot in this scenario set inside a cinema.
Use the Spanish words and phrases you learned from the movie trailer to practice ‘guessing the plot of the movie’.
Mission: Guess the plot of the movie
Mission: Guess the plot of the movie
Start the mission now
Vocabulary you'll need
¿de qué va?
what is it about?
va de ...
it's about ...
no tener ni idea
to have no idea
¿qué tipo de películas te gustan?
what type of movies do you like?
me encantan las comedias
I love comedies
la acción
the action
el resumen
the summary
la trama
the plot
un ejemplo
an example
¿qué más?
what else?
tiene final feliz
it's got a happy ending
¿quién es?
who's this?
el personaje
the character
el actor
the actor (masc.)
el director; la directora
the director; the principal (masc.; fem.)
¿vamos al cine?
should we go to the cinema?
Learn with the movie
Watch the trailer below to learn some epic new Spanish vocabulary!
We've created a lesson based on the BLUE BEETLE movie trailer to help you learn Spanish!
Vocabulary you'll learn
excuse me (to get attention)
¿ya quitaste el chicle de esa silla?
have you already got the gum off that chair?
pero siempre caes de pie
but you always land on your feet
es que ellos no salen mucho
they don't go out much
protégelo con tu vida
protect it with your life
¿no miraste?
didn't you look?
yo creo que le gusto
I think he likes me
lo tienes en la cara
it's on your face
get it off me!
¿mi hijo?
my son?
huésped adquirido
host acquired
¿quién dijo eso?
who said that?
no pasa nada
no worries
todo va a estar bien
everything will be fine
estoy en el espacio
I'm in space
wait!; hang on!
¿qué está pasando?
what's going on?
se llama escarabajo
it is called a beetle
a veces hace lo que quieres
sometimes it does what you want
creo que corté un autobús por la mitad
I think I cut a bus in half
¡a divertirse!
let's have some fun!
buena elección
good choice
Mission: If you had superpowers
Mission: If you had superpowers
Take the challenge
Extra practice
Put your superhuman Spanish skills to the ultimate test
Taking inspiration from BLUE BEETLE, what would be your superpower of choice? Try this practice conversation now with our friendly AI chatbot!
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