Start your New Year's resolution today with a discount on Lifetime Pro
Be ready for any real-world conversation
Learn a language like a local, speak confidently, and connect authentically anywhere
Practice speaking with realistic scenarios and AI feedback, so you’re confident, natural, and ready to connect anywhere.
Start speaking today, the way locals do
Start speaking with the right words We focus on the phrases locals use, tailored to your needs.
Tune your ear to real conversations You need to hear a language out loud to understand it, which is why we give you native speaker videos.
Practice talking with everyday scenarios Step into real-life situations and rehearse what you’ll actually say out loud
Sound better with every conversation AI Buddies help you build sentences, fix grammar, and improve with real-time feedback
What our learners are saying
“Memrise has been a foundational tool for me, especially the clips of native speakers. These help me mimic accents and embrace the language more fully. The quick, bite-sized lessons are perfect for my busy schedule. I've tried many apps, but Memrise is one of the few that makes me genuinely happy with my progress.”
"Best app for getting experience listening and interacting with native speakers. Listening to conversations by native speakers is so much better for actually being able to understand people"
Beth Williams
"My Fiancé is Portuguese so I wanted to learn their language to communicate easily. Over the year I can now string small sentences together. I don't think I could of done it without the help of Memrise."
Lewis Williams
“Memrise has been a foundational tool for me, especially the clips of native speakers. These help me mimic accents and embrace the language more fully. The quick, bite-sized lessons are perfect for my busy schedule. I've tried many apps, but Memrise is one of the few that makes me genuinely happy with my progress.”
"Best app for getting experience listening and interacting with native speakers. Listening to conversations by native speakers is so much better for actually being able to understand people"
Beth Williams
"My Fiancé is Portuguese so I wanted to learn their language to communicate easily. Over the year I can now string small sentences together. I don't think I could of done it without the help of Memrise."